

Monday, March 30, 2015

Why Isn't This Working?

I have always had a problem with diaries. I would write in it for 2-3 days faithfully and then my next entry may be a month or two later. The next one might be six months later. And then I would start a new one, with rivaled success. But that was when I was a kid, surely I must have grown out of that habit.

Maybe not. Last blog entry February 5th...

So, I want to blog. I love reading blogs, I love writing. It seems like it should be a natural fit for me. I even have an agenda. I want to share my struggles with early Alzheimers, but here is my problem.

I am more than just my mom's caretaker. I am a mom. I am a small business owner. I am a wife. I am a sister. So, I was trying to write a blog that only focused on one element of me and it did not work.

So I am trying again. With a less narrowed focus. It will just be a blog about me, my interests, my family, anything. Maybe I will have more success this way. :) Wish me luck.

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